Hi Tricia, Welcome to our group. I know exactly where you are coming from since I tried a several different business ideas without any success.
I'm doing this in California and can tell you that it works. Its a simple product with great benefits that people understand right away. So far my best success has been with child care centers but I'm focusing on seniors too. Here an update from one of my other posts on the board:
I just secured a relationship with a daycare that has 4 locations in my general area. They will be providing my brochure and coupon for new registrations and renewals.
They will also give a small discount if they get a MEDAlert since it saves them a lot of time by just having the parents print the MEDAlert from from the memory stick to provide current information to the daycare.
Its a win... win all around. They really like the idea that they can save time by having up to date med & contact info for the kids under their care.
I am concidering this business, but have been burned by others, can anyone share there start up experience ie where and how you market this product and the responces your recieving. Thanks so much