I am sooooo excited. I just received my business cards, brochures and brochure holders.
I got my business cards from Vista Print 1000 for $19 with FREE shipping! They look GREAT!!! You can click on this link http://vistaprint.tellapal.com/a/clk/1TGfF to get 80% off.
My brochures look absolutely awesome! I got them from Overnight Prints. As of the date of this post you can get 1000 for $137.95, 2000 for $153.95 and 5000 for $212.65 and they have other quantities as well. Folding is extra $10 per thousand which isn't that bad. They acutally beat the price of the local printers here. They were delivered quick too! Click here to check them out!
I got my brochure holders from Displays2Go.com. You can get 100 for .37 each. If you don't need that many you can get them from Uline.com 50 for .43 each. These are cardboard so you do have to assemble them, which really isn't that hard.
Well, I wanted to share my exciting news about my biz cards and brochures. Now I need to generate some business!