Welcome to our forum. My business seems to be growing every day now that I'm focusing more on promoting the products. At first it was more of a part time job for me when I had time but now I'm getting brochures out to many businesses and getting out there to talk to people and working 5 days a week. I work with medical offices of all kinds, schools, senior centers and child care centers.
I do offer both the Med Alert and Kid Safe cards and find that it is easier by offering both. I'm finding that people really like the products and will go for it when offered at a fair price. I also give discounts if they buy more than one which has worked nicely.
I really like these products because not only can I make money but they are also a great help to people which feels right.
I live in Daytona Beach, Fl. area and I am seriously looking at both Med Alert and Child ID programs to purchase and implement. Would like to speak with someone who is successfully doing this. Do not want to purchase something that looks good on paper but does not market in the field. Could you share with me how it is going since Dec. for you and what your assessment is? Is there full time potential here or just part time? Thanks...
I just had some awesome results setting up a table at a local craft fair. Word is getting out there in my area since many people said they have heard about my business. I need to keep more of a supply on hand since I ran out but was still able to take orders to deliver next week.
As mentioned on another post, the MEDAlert information form can be accessed on any computer with a USB drive. It is Microsoft Word based and we suggest in the instructions to save a copy as a PDF then anyone can easily read it. Make sure you save a copy as PDF as well on the USB and you won't have any problems.
Its also a good idea to print a copy of the form for your customers and suggest they give one to a family member and also keep a copy by the phone and in the car.
Fred Knapp Innovative Software, LLC Business Development & Software Solutions www.MEDAlertBusiness.com
Hello amtzncc, I just got my kit last week and havent really gotten started yet, I am trying to get to know the ins and out of the product and get my ducks in a row. I had a meeting with a paramedic friend yesterday who has his own buisness as well as working for a local town and he was really excited about this. We let him have a med alert device to see if it is compatable with their systems so we are waiting to hear back from that. But if so he wants to help us promote it because it will help him help other people. We did also find out our hospital can not use the device because their usbs are disengaged on all their computers. So you might want to check that out out. But if its compatiable I see us doing very well! Good Luck!!
I am thinking of investing into this program. I seen some posts dating back a couple years ago. I was curious how, those who started then, are you guys doing in sales/growth this year? Was there an increase in sales from the previous years? Anyone who started this year how have your sales/growth been for this year? Has anyone quit their full time job and transitioned into full time with this business? if so, are you still full time with this business? I appreciate any info anyone can provide.