The trick is to tell them right away the benefit to them as the daycare provider. If they quickly realize that if their kids parents all have a MEDAlert it will help them a great deal with keeping their records up to date you'll be all set.
When I followup with a daycare business or any other one for that matter, I simply say "Hello, I'm Jim from ABC MEDAlert. I sent you a letter a couple weeks ago explaining how MEDAlert can simplify your record keeping since we keep medical records up to date for parents." "Can I stop by at a convenient time to provide you with a free sample with no obligation?"
I give them a free MEDAlert which is loaded with a fake person's information, I print out the information form in color and provide it to them. I explain that if they offer it to parents of their center, I keep the info up to date for parents which can simply be printed and provided to the daycare to make their life easier. I close by asking if I can leave some brochures and cards and if they can give them to parents. You may also suggest that you do a MEDAlert day once every couple weeks or a month to offer it to their clients.
Once I mail the sales letters how do I follow-up or approach the prospective client, such as a Daycare Center? What's the best way to present it and what do I say?
How are you successfully presenting your business to people and various organizations?
Love to hear from you! I need all the advice I can get in this area. I'm not a sales person and I know it says that you don't have to be but you still have to present it, right?